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Disapointed from my account


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So, you’ve been selling on Fiverr since 2016.
Sent over 400+ offers.
You have three reviews under your belt.

Have you tried tweaking your gigs? I believe it’s the ideal opportunity for you to consider different approaches. Generating multiple ⛰️ income are ALWAYS better than one.

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Do This, NOT That! (10 Tips for Sellers)

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I'm nowhere near...

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Tips for Sellers

This category is for posts with original tips for sellers to utilize. If you want to ask for tips, please use Improve my Gig.

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Are you marketing? You are in competition with thousands of other people who do the same work, why should I pick you over them?

yes dear competitors are more day by day, what can i do to make a unique gigs am doing development and testing work… ;(

yes am doing marketing on social like twitter and fb , please suggest me

i am married and i want to earn to make my life happy

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I’m disappointed with the lack of professionals within Fiverr to be honest. I’ve bought several gigs for Seo copywriting and had two of them cancel on me. This leaves me out of pocket due to Fiverr’s crap rules.

If you can’t do a gig say so immediately - not after the timeframe.

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