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Fiverr and Instagram


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Okay so here’s a weird thing that happened.

In last week or so, I got around 3-4 followers on Instagram who are sellers on Fiverr as well. I don’t know them and out of blue they start following me on a social media platform which I haven’t linked to Fiverr.

Any idea why this might be happening?

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I don´t know much about instagram, but if it´s like twitter, and you follow Fiverr’s instagram account, and they do too, they might just have accepted the automatic suggestions to follow someone who follows the same thing as they do?

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Some sneaky Fiverr users can easily research your username and if you used it elsewhere (i.e. on other sites) they will eventually find your social accounts and a lot of stuff about you - I’ve had that happening, and even some of my buyers told me they found me outside Fiverr and started following me on other sites, without me ever linking anything to Fiverr.

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