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Don't do work for free and expect to get paid!

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My mistake was a bit different - I gave a potential buyer a quick delivery without them purchasing my gig, then I told them “if you liked my work you can buy my tip gig to show your appreciation” and a miracle happened: the potential buyer became a buyer 🙂

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OT Nayeem

@n4y33m New pic I see… What happened to the pic of you wearing a red shirt? LOL 😀

[details=To @nikavoice] I am jealous of designers who creates amazing things, So I tried to make my avatar using an online tool. 😛

The red shirt is on the other side.

(Not Red, something else, but I forget the name of that color. Had a fight when I told her “that’s a red shirt.” 😦)[/details]

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[details=To @nikavoice] I am jealous of designers who creates amazing things, So I tried to make my avatar using an online tool. 😛

The red shirt is on the other side.

(Not Red, something else, but I forget the name of that color. Had a fight when I told her “that’s a red shirt.” 😦



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It may sound obvious to you but I wanted to see for myself!

Someone contacted me to make some minor edits. I did them before they purchased my gig.

And I expected to get paid!

Obviously they wouldn’t pay.

That’s why you don’t do work before getting paid. 😉


This man is talking so truly subject. You must remember, never work free or start work without an order.

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