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Had to go to the hospital on emergency, super late. Please help!


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Hello, I recently broke my nose really badly and had to go to ER in another city and I waited there for hours and had to spend the night there. With the time it took me to travel, basically I was away for 2 days. I came home yesterday super late and was too beat up to do anything so I just went to bed. Today I log in and it turns out while I was away I got the most orders I ever have, the most messages and since my deliveries are 24 hours I’m super late, and hardly in shape to work.

I’m really panicking, what do I do? I’m a relatively new seller, only 12 reviews but I have gotten a tip on every single order and I’ve made more from tips than the cost of my gigs, and suddenly now I can’t even provide my clients with the work they need on time. Will this be the end for me on fiverr? I have 2 orders that are both super late and I’m panicking and don’t know what to do, please someone help me out!

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