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Time Extension button for Sellers especially Top sellers


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Hi everyone,

I am in the writing niche. If you are a top seller in this same niche I’m sure you can relate.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a buyer orders bulk work which is practically impossible for you to complete in the delivery time frame you’ve set on your gig?

This has happened to me countless times. And I just feel there should be a separate button for time extension on every multiple order, that a seller can initiate and the buyer can accept it on their end if they understand that the work requires more time.

Something similar to the request for a modification button, but not necessarily a modification or a dispute.

Like this post if you agree.


There is already an option in the resolution center to ask for more time. While it’s not quite the same as you describe, it does work. I’m a little confused at the suggestion for this to apply especially to Top Rated Sellers. That’s a small percentage of sellers with a special badge, so how would it help the average seller?

Guest fireartistic

That should be there nice suggestion


There is already an option in the resolution center to ask for more time. While it’s not quite the same as you describe, it does work. I’m a little confused at the suggestion for this to apply especially to Top Rated Sellers. That’s a small percentage of sellers with a special badge, so how would it help the average seller?

I’m a little confused at the suggestion for this to apply especially to Top Rated Sellers.

Maybe she’s speaking as a (former) TRS? There was an account with the same name and 88 at the end, but I have no idea what happened there.

(If I’m breaking the rules, sorry, feel free to delete this)


I’m a little confused at the suggestion for this to apply especially to Top Rated Sellers.

Maybe she’s speaking as a (former) TRS? There was an account with the same name and 88 at the end, but I have no idea what happened there.

(If I’m breaking the rules, sorry, feel free to delete this)

Oh, I see. No, it looks like you are right, same photo and she mentions being a returning seller in another thread so I don’t see any issue. It just makes better sense. Anyway, I thought the extra-time request in the resolution center worked OK for me, but there could be penalties for doing it a lot. I get the general idea. Fair enough as a suggestion! 🙂


There is already an option in the resolution center to ask for more time. While it’s not quite the same as you describe, it does work. I’m a little confused at the suggestion for this to apply especially to Top Rated Sellers. That’s a small percentage of sellers with a special badge, so how would it help the average seller?


Yes I know there’s already an option at the resolution center, but that would probably be a long and boring process.

Let me site an example, you have an article writing gig, and you set your delivery time at 2 days, and then a buyer who likes your work but needs 20 articles comes around to order 20 gigs, all set for 2-day delivery.

And you probably have other gigs.

Working alone in this case, it would practically be impossible to write up 20 original articles centered around different topics, all by yourself, hence you need a time extension, and a reasonable buyer should understand that if he wants quality work delivered, it will take more time.

When you ask how this will help the average seller, I think average sellers can also face this issue, if a repeat buyer who likes their work at first try is coming back to order more.

Or even in a case where a buyer likes the samples that a new seller has provided.



Yes I know there’s already an option at the resolution center, but that would probably be a long and boring process.

Let me site an example, you have an article writing gig, and you set your delivery time at 2 days, and then a buyer who likes your work but needs 20 articles comes around to order 20 gigs, all set for 2-day delivery.

And you probably have other gigs.

Working alone in this case, it would practically be impossible to write up 20 original articles centered around different topics, all by yourself, hence you need a time extension, and a reasonable buyer should understand that if he wants quality work delivered, it will take more time.

When you ask how this will help the average seller, I think average sellers can also face this issue, if a repeat buyer who likes their work at first try is coming back to order more.

Or even in a case where a buyer likes the samples that a new seller has provided.

Let me site an example, you have an article writing gig, and you set your delivery time at 2 days, and then a buyer who likes your work but needs 20 articles comes around to order 20 gigs, all set for 2-day delivery.

I have this happen plenty of times. My normal Voice Over delivery is 24 hours. Sometimes they order the equivalent of 10 gigs in one order.

In my gig description it says “For orders over X words, send a message for a custom quote.” (That’s because I may need more time, depending on when they order and the actual scope.)

If they ignore that an just order (plenty do), I use the resolution center and let them know: “An order this size requires an extra X days” and reference my gig description with a “normally I require a custom quote for orders this size, but I’ll have it done in X days…”

All to say once you’ve done it a couple times, the resolution center is easy and works well.

I’m not sure any extra buttons/options needed, but YMMV.



Yes I know there’s already an option at the resolution center, but that would probably be a long and boring process.

Let me site an example, you have an article writing gig, and you set your delivery time at 2 days, and then a buyer who likes your work but needs 20 articles comes around to order 20 gigs, all set for 2-day delivery.

And you probably have other gigs.

Working alone in this case, it would practically be impossible to write up 20 original articles centered around different topics, all by yourself, hence you need a time extension, and a reasonable buyer should understand that if he wants quality work delivered, it will take more time.

When you ask how this will help the average seller, I think average sellers can also face this issue, if a repeat buyer who likes their work at first try is coming back to order more.

Or even in a case where a buyer likes the samples that a new seller has provided.

Working alone in this case, it would practically be impossible to write up 20 original articles centered around different topics, all by yourself, hence you need a time extension, and a reasonable buyer should understand that if he wants quality work delivered, it will take more time.

I agree, I could see that.

When you ask how this will help the average seller, I think average sellers can also face this issue,

I wasn’t really asking about how it could help the average seller, it seems to me that it could. I wondered why you mentioned it being especially for TRS, but I thinks that was explained. Since you mentioned that you used to sell under a similar username (which had TRS status) and have returned, I assume you aspire to that again and could see how this would be especially useful for high volume sellers.


Working alone in this case, it would practically be impossible to write up 20 original articles centered around different topics, all by yourself, hence you need a time extension, and a reasonable buyer should understand that if he wants quality work delivered, it will take more time.

I agree, I could see that.

When you ask how this will help the average seller, I think average sellers can also face this issue,

I wasn’t really asking about how it could help the average seller, it seems to me that it could. I wondered why you mentioned it being especially for TRS, but I thinks that was explained. Since you mentioned that you used to sell under a similar username (which had TRS status) and have returned, I assume you aspire to that again and could see how this would be especially useful for high volume sellers.

I don’t think she meant T.R.S TRS, like she probably meant a person selling a lot and being a TOP seller perhaps?


I don’t think she meant T.R.S TRS, like she probably meant a person selling a lot and being a TOP seller perhaps?

Maybe both. 🙂 She apparently had a TRS account previously and has returned to sell again. So, high volume could apply to both a person who sells a lot and a person with a TRS badge since both could be high volume sellers. It doesn’t matter now, I was just explaining to the OP why it confused me at first.


I’m a little confused at the suggestion for this to apply especially to Top Rated Sellers.

Maybe she’s speaking as a (former) TRS? There was an account with the same name and 88 at the end, but I have no idea what happened there.

(If I’m breaking the rules, sorry, feel free to delete this)

Thanks everyone @catwriter You are absolutely right. Yes I am a returning seller and I was a former TRS.

@lisabaarns Thanks for your contribution and for confirming that a lot of buyers do this.

Maybe a new button is not needed afterall. That’s if most sellers that face this issue enjoy going the resolution center way.

I only felt a recurring issue related to “order countdown” (one of the most basic Fiverr order features) deserves a button of it’s own.

And doesn’t that resolution center method harm your “Delivered on time” rating?


Thanks everyone @catwriter You are absolutely right. Yes I am a returning seller and I was a former TRS.

@lisabaarns Thanks for your contribution and for confirming that a lot of buyers do this.

Maybe a new button is not needed afterall. That’s if most sellers that face this issue enjoy going the resolution center way.

I only felt a recurring issue related to “order countdown” (one of the most basic Fiverr order features) deserves a button of it’s own.

And doesn’t that resolution center method harm your “Delivered on time” rating?

And doesn’t that resolution center method harm your “Delivered on time” rating?

It shouldn’t, but I can’t confirm this.


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