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Want to promote my gigs but i don;t know how,


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I’ve gotten this question a few times, and although I generally give the super-short answer, I recently decided to get very long-winded with another Fiverr seller. I thought about it, and in the end I decided that the advice was worth enough effort to post to the Fiverr forum. Now, this is just one social marketing strategy among many, and I’m not a social marketing expert by any means. I’m just a guy with some prior sales experience who likes to read stuff on the Internet, so if you really want…
Hey guys! Let’s cut straight to the chase. You’re a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI’ve seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as “create modern logo design”, “create a unique logo”, “design your logo”) in the hopes of getting more traffic…
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