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Contacting me outside Fiverr Forum


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So a certain user contacted me via s***e. I automatically add anyone that wants to add me on s***e.

My standard policy on forums (not just here), is to ask me anything on the forum and not via DM/PM/whatever else M, that way if I can solve your issue, others having that same issue can hopefully solve their issue.

“Ask me on the forum”.

So someone wanted help on something I wrote on a post (I was answering someone else).

I asked him to comment on that post as my answer could help others as well, also that it is against Fiverr TOS.

He threatened to report me to Fiverr because I wouldn’t help him on s***e, that I was a greedy pig. I blocked him on s***e. I am finished. He is gone from my s***e so I can’t remember his s***e username, he was using same photo as his Fiverr profile photo.

  1. I didn’t say pay me
  2. Most of us on here do this for free but we are not going to hold someone’s hand 24/7 for free. Buy a gig 😁

So next time if this occurs, I take screenshots, remind person that go to the Fiverr Forum and then send screeshots to Fiverr CS?

Would the person get automatically banned or just get a warning?


So a certain user contacted me via s***e. I automatically add anyone that wants to add me on s***e.

My standard policy on forums (not just here), is to ask me anything on the forum and not via DM/PM/whatever else M, that way if I can solve your issue, others having that same issue can hopefully solve their issue.

“Ask me on the forum”.

So someone wanted help on something I wrote on a post (I was answering someone else).

I asked him to comment on that post as my answer could help others as well, also that it is against Fiverr TOS.

He threatened to report me to Fiverr because I wouldn’t help him on s***e, that I was a greedy pig. I blocked him on s***e. I am finished. He is gone from my s***e so I can’t remember his s***e username, he was using same photo as his Fiverr profile photo.

  1. I didn’t say pay me
  2. Most of us on here do this for free but we are not going to hold someone’s hand 24/7 for free. Buy a gig 😁

So next time if this occurs, I take screenshots, remind person that go to the Fiverr Forum and then send screeshots to Fiverr CS?

Would the person get automatically banned or just get a warning?

Would the person get automatically banned or just get a warning?

You’ll never know 😉 If you report it to Fiverr, they’ll give you the canned response: “Our Trust and Safety team will handle this. Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, we cannot tell you the outcome” or something like that.

I’d just ignore it next time if it happens again.


I think contacting outside Fiverr violates TOS. And this happened to me and I was ignore them. I thought best way ignore them. Also we can contact Fiverr CS to report.

If someone reports to user get banned through Fiverr CS. But I’m not sure it is generate automatically or manually.


As @sydneymorgan said, you’ll never know. I doubt they would do much since it didn’t happen through the platform but I don’t know. People meet each other at Fiverr groups and stay in touch. Fiverr doesn’t prevent that. If people ask me for contact info or give me theirs via inbox or forum PM, I report them. If they find me outside Fiverr I don’t since I don’t think it would do much, but I would sure block them if they were abusive like that.


Hi fonthaunt Moderator -- I have commented on this before but.... it seems that the percentage of sellers advertising on the Buyer Request page has really gotten high. Is there some way to get the Fiverr folks to go in there and clean it up and notify the sellers that the Buyer Request page is for Buyers and sellers to make and offer on the request.

@pendragon2 please create your own post instead of what you are doing now that has nothing to do with the original topic. Thank You.


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