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WATCH the video, READ the instructions/reviews, BE POLITE


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Especially that last one up there: SELLERS ARE PEOPLE, too! 😉

So far, the only gigs of mine that have been cancelled are the ones I cancelled.

The argument has been made on this forum that the sellers shouldn’t expect buyers to actually READ the instructions of the gigs, which I think is ridiculous for two reasons:

  1. The fiverr2 site only allows a 30second video to explain the gig.
  2. The instructions are there to HELP the buyer, not only make the best choice for themselves, but also to SAVE TIME, for both the buyer and the seller. Understanding what you’re buying and how it will be completed saves a lot of back and forth communication.

    So while the video is a great overview, and some of the sellers have slightly longer vids because their vids were transferred from the old site to the new one, IT’S YOUR MONEY. It may only be $5, BUT IT’S YOUR MONEY. Know what you’re buying. If you have any doubts or questions, send a message to the seller BEFORE you order.

    The last one is the most important one: be polite, because we’re people too!

    Most of the gigs I’ve cancelled were due to the buyer not picking the correct gig for themselves. However, there’s also been a small percentage I’ve cancelled because the buyer was just uncooperative and plain rude.

    It is not unreasonable for a seller to request clarification, or to ask you to correct your order if it is apparent that you’ve misread the instructions or description, or you’re expecting something beyond the scope of the gig. Most of the time when I ask for clarification, I get it with no problem.

    The problem buyer is the one that takes your request for correction or clarification as a personal insult and a waste of their time, as if that buyer was singled out on purpose to spin his/her wheels. For some gigs, a buyer who is that unaware or self-centered might not present much of a problem. For my gig however, an attitude like that rolling off a buyer towards me makes it nearly impossible for me to work for that buyer, particularly after multiple requests for correction or clarification. At that point is when I cancel the sale; it’s not worth it to me to bang my head against the wall when I’ve already read the writing on that wall.

    So if the seller asks a reasonable question, please answer it–no matter silly or unnecessary or inconvenient you feel it is. The sooner you answer, the sooner you get what you paid for.

    Thank you!

    Tarotkatya 😉
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Guest mrspanda

Hey Katya,

tarotkatya said: The problem buyer is the one that takes your request for correction or clarification as a personal insult and a waste of their time, as if that buyer was singled out on purpose to spin his/her wheels. For some gigs, a buyer who is that unaware or self-centered might not present much of a problem. For my gig however, an attitude like that rolling off a buyer towards me makes it nearly impossible for me to work for that buyer, particularly after multiple requests for correction or clarification. At that point is when I cancel the sale; it's not worth it to me to bang my head against the wall when I've already read the writing on that wall.

Sometimes, even if the buyer seems impossible or rude, as a reader of Tarot, we need to take a step back and consider our style of delivery and consider whether there is a better way that we can communicate our message. Or, you can also consider revising your gig description or changing up your gig video to make it as easy as possible for the buyer. :)

Take care,
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Honestly, Fiona, I have been reading for over twenty-five years, and I really worked on those gigs to make them so simple, a fifth grader can do it!

Most of the buyers who I ask for correction from, freely admit they didn’t read the description or the instructions. I get very few of the other kind, thankfully.

I use my talent in spirit of service, just as I know you do. That does not mean I’m willing to take abuse from someone who wants more than what I’m offering. It does not mean that I will fold up and cave in to the demands of someone who wants a whole lot more than what I’m offering, but is unwilling to compensate me for it.

And I certainly won’t put up with being treated without respect because the price says $5, and the buyer can’t be bothered to answer a simple question so that I can serve him/her.

I realize this is a culture of the “customer is always right.” Well, there are restaurants for that.

I’m here to do my best for the buyer; but if the buyer won’t allow me to do that, then that buyer and this seller part company.

Kat xx

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Guest mrspanda

No, I wasn’t saying that you should take abuse at all, and congrats on having read cards for 25 years. I definitely don’t think you should take less than you are offering- I mean, I offer half the amount you do for the same price, so I definitely understand where you are coming from.

I’ve never seen your gig before, so I am just giving a few first impressions-

First- block of text. Maybe take advantage of the Rich Text formatting offered in V2. That makes descriptions easier on the eyes and allows buyers to skim through the description while still getting the whole message.

Maybe revise your description. I know deannabalestra (please don’t kill me if I spelled your username wrong, I’m on my phone!!) did a banging job on mine and my dear friend, jasmindolly’s descriptions. I’ll be honest- just reading it (and I am a native English speaker), I have no idea what you specifically offer- either a predictive reading OR 5 questions? Are the 5 questions to do with predictions as well or can I ask about the feelings of a lover? Can I ask about horse races/lottery numbers? I sincerely think that if you revise the gig description a bit, you will save yourself a lot of headache.

It’s just my two cents. I do purchase a lot of gigs and I don’t always watch the video or read the gig description. I need something, I search for the sellers that offer it, and if- within 15-20 seconds, I can determine whether or not they’d be of use to me, I purchase. If I’m confused in any way, I simply move on to the next seller. I don’t have the patience to sit there and read EVERY potential seller’s gig description.

Take care and good luck,


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The general reading is the predictive reading. The five questions are yes-or-no questions. That is pretty much what my description says, with a little extra detail. I’ve never had questions about the lottery or the horse races. If I ever do, I’ll ask the buyer to pick another question(s).

If people choose not to read the description, that’s their choice, it just means spending more time for the buyer to get clear on what I offer instead of actually reading it the first time. Since you said you don’t bother read descriptions much of the time, I doubt that my changing the text, the format, or the verbiage will make much of a difference. 😉

I pointed out that I’ve been reading for over 25 years, not for congratulations, but to demonstrate that I don’t require schooling on the fine points. I have boundaries, just like everyone else. I fully expect those boundaries to be respected, without exception.


Kat xx

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Guest mrspanda

I never said I didn’t read the description. I said I spent 15-20 seconds on it, and if I can’t figure it out by then, I’m moving on… and believe it or not, most buyers are the same way, which is why you are facing the issue that you addressed.

I’m happy for you that you’ve been reading… as you say… since I was in “short pants” (she’s my SISTER, by the way). I wasn’t trying to school you. Every time I see a concern, question, or something of the sort on the forums, and I see no reply, I try to do my best to give a couple of pointers to help that seller out, despite the Mercury Retrograde.

I apologize that you felt so strongly that a reader- with less “years” but not less experience- gave you a bit of advice. I wasn’t trying to be mean or rude to you, either. I only gave you my two cents so maybe you could have a smoother Fiverr experience, but, take it or leave it, no sweat off my back honestly. Just, don’t try to talk about me behind my back to other readers- or if you do, check your cards to make sure they aren’t my family. 😉

But, as before, I do wish you all the best and good luck. 🙂 I won’t pipe in on your threads anymore.

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Always make it a point to contact buyers the MINUTE they make their order and refer to your description, promo video AND instructions. Do this in a polite way as to suggest that your gig information is in THREE places, and also that it is their “responsibility” to review those BEFORE they purchase.

This can turn anger into remorse and many times will smooth over the deal

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Reply to @mrspanda:

For what it’s worth, especially to anyone else who reads your third post, and thinks I just trashed your reputation behind your back (as you’re implying on this board):

  1. I knew you and that family member are close; she had mentioned it to me quite some time ago. You’ve actually posted here on the forum that you and she s***e all the time; don’t have to be family to be close.

  2. I didn’t ‘talk’ behind your back. Talking behind one’s back requires gossiping, say something mean, or untrue. I told your family member that you tried to help, but I felt that you didn’t realize you were dealing with someone who is quite clear on what’s on what is acceptable (to me). I specifically told you that I know you perform your readings in an attitude of service, I told your family member that I complimented you. Both are true, and are also TRUE, in and out of those contexts.

    Here is the infamous Facebook post to your family member that you’re referring to:


    I know she meant well; Fiona (MrsPanda) tried to tell me that, as Tarot readers, “we need to take a step back”, that if the client is being particularly obnoxious, that it must be our (readers’) responsibility to smooth things over.

    Um, no.


    I don’t think she realizes I’ve been reading since she was still in short pants. However, I complimented her, that she does what she does out of service, as we all do. I simply made it clear that there’s a big difference between a buyer who’s confused or needs a little guidance, and another buyer who really needs a high colonic, not a reading."

    Yes you WERE in short pants when I started reading, LOL! It’s a bit of a stretch to call that insulting to you, let alone “talking behind your back.” You say you were just giving advice; in time, you will learn that there’s giving advice and then there’s making assumptions (which lead to being condescending). You made the assumption that I hadn’t taken a step back from the situation to try to salvage it, when in fact I took SEVERAL steps back in this situation, as well as the thankfully few that have come before.

    Lastly, MrsPanda, you used THIS PUBLIC forum to accuse me of something I didn’t do, by making reference to a conversation on another forum, in which you weren’t even the topic! Not only have you probably trashed a professional friendship between myself and your family member, not only is it untrue what you claim I did, but it was completely unprofessional how you handled it. I had a TREMENDOUS amount of respect for you as a person as well as for what you do on fiverr. So much for that.

    Your third post on this forum says more about YOU then the most determined gossip monger could.

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