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What is your favorite Forum Topic?


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I often go back over posts I have read before to get the info again. I came across an interesting discussion that had happened and it got me thinking, how many people miss out on the great info that is here.
So this thread is for showcasing the Topics/Threads that you thought were interesting, useful or fun.
Simply share a link (or more than one) with one line about why you liked it so others can pick and choose the ones they like the sound of.

My favorites are:
^^Title says it all and it was the first thread I ever read on the forum (this is a repost).

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BUYERS! What would you do for $5?

I would like to hear from anyone who is a BUYER ONLY! What do you do to get $5 in your job/business/life? Share with us what it takes and possibly whether you think you are over or underpaid for this. Even if you have never posted on the forum...

Reading time: 5 mins ? Likes: 69 ❤

^^Opened up an interesting discussion about buyer expectations and we had some buyers share some interesting info and opinion.

Now it’s your turn to share!

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Do This, NOT That! (10 Tips for Sellers)

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I'm nowhere near...

Reading time: 8 mins ? Likes: 130 ❤

The OP shared (10) Helpful tips for ALL sellers that really made sense. Like the old saying goes… “If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense!” :money_mouth:

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Entirely useless but interesting:

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What can you buy with one gig in your country? (Around The Globe Discussion)

Interesting topic, that I would like to hear different stories from sellers/buyers around the world. Where do you come from?What can be done with $5 in your country? In Macedonia, you can go to a pub and drink 2-3 beers. You can have a "nice"...

Reading time: 13 mins ? Likes: 457 ❤

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Show us your workspace -2017 edition!

Hello fellow doers! ? I think it was @ozzieuk who first created a topic like this back in 2014. So while it's not an original idea, I do think it's one worth revisiting! So let's use this thread to post a photo of where we spend most of our...

Reading time: 2 mins ? Likes: 99 ❤


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Entirely useless but interesting:

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What can you buy with one gig in your country? (Around The Globe Discussion)

Interesting topic, that I would like to hear different stories from sellers/buyers around the world. Where do you come from?What can be done with $5 in your country? In Macedonia, you can go to a pub and drink 2-3 beers. You can have a "nice"...

Reading time: 13 mins ? Likes: 457 ❤

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Show us your workspace -2017 edition!

Hello fellow doers! ? I think it was @ozzieuk who first created a topic like this back in 2014. So while it's not an original idea, I do think it's one worth revisiting! So let's use this thread to post a photo of where we spend most of our...

Reading time: 2 mins ? Likes: 99 ❤

I think the fun forum threads like these are some of the most valuable - they give us all a bit of a break from working, discussing Fiverr stuff, responding to inane messages or rolling our eyes at ridiculous people.

I really enjoyed this one too

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Prove Your Graphic Design Skills In MS Paint and Win a Prize*!

Sellers! It's time to impress buyers with your incredible art skills and win absolutely no prizes despite the clickbaity promise. Attract feet loving folk, dismay art snobs or show the pros how its done here. As I have already showcased my expert...

Reading time: 6 mins ? Likes: 394 ❤

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Do This, NOT That! (10 Tips for Sellers)

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I'm nowhere near...

Reading time: 8 mins ? Likes: 130 ❤

The OP shared (10) Helpful tips for ALL sellers that really made sense. Like the old saying goes… “If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense!” :money_mouth:

Thank you for sharing this! I’m glad you found value in what I wrote. 😃

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as writer said, Emma’s threads are always amazing and funny.

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Prove Your Graphic Design Skills In MS Paint and Win a Prize*!

Sellers! It's time to impress buyers with your incredible art skills and win absolutely no prizes despite the clickbaity promise. Attract feet loving folk, dismay art snobs or show the pros how its done here. As I have already showcased my expert...

Reading time: 6 mins ? Likes: 394 ❤

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as writer said, Emma’s threads are always amazing and funny.

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Prove Your Graphic Design Skills In MS Paint and Win a Prize*!

Sellers! It's time to impress buyers with your incredible art skills and win absolutely no prizes despite the clickbaity promise. Attract feet loving folk, dismay art snobs or show the pros how its done here. As I have already showcased my expert...

Reading time: 6 mins ? Likes: 394 ❤


Wasted 30 mins 😦

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Maybe Emma’s limerick thread, because it was just some light hearted fun with no real purpose or reason other than fun (unless Emma now reveals some hidden agenda ;)).
I sure like the useful threads that give good info or help people of course, but those are so many that I can’t really name my specific favourite one.

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Any “The Emmaki’s Topic” is in my favourite list 😃
Two of my Bookmarks 😃 that I used many Time
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? Guide: Get your First Order

Are you new to Fiverr? Are you desperately willing to start off? Are you still waiting for your first Gig Order? You are at the right place. This post should help you immensely, I am sure. Not to dishearten you, but to give you a heads up, let me...

Reading time: 14 mins ? Likes: 1599 ❤

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BUYER REQUESTS Feature – Basics for Sellers – WHAT AND WHERE IS BR?

Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you...

Reading time: 6 mins ? Likes: 542 ❤

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Seriously, how come everybody likes Emmaki’s topics and not Writer99025’s… what about my cricket/politics/tax certificate/oh-look-I’m-so-busy topics? Surely somebody should like them?

So what’s your favorite Writer99025 topic and why do you like it so much more than any Emmaki topic?

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Seriously, how come everybody likes Emmaki’s topics and not Writer99025’s… what about my cricket/politics/tax certificate/oh-look-I’m-so-busy topics? Surely somebody should like them?

what about my cricket/politics/tax certificate/oh-look-I’m-so-busy topics? Surely somebody should like them?

#Hahahahaha!! 😛

So what’s your favorite Writer99025 topic

I love your Öh-Look-I’m-So-Busy topics! Those are serious Show-Offs and Demotivating! If not demotivating, they certainly render inferiority complex and mystify the atmos here 😠

:bulb:Beat this!! 😛 :smile:

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what about my cricket/politics/tax certificate/oh-look-I’m-so-busy topics? Surely somebody should like them?

#Hahahahaha!! 😛

So what’s your favorite Writer99025 topic

I love your Öh-Look-I’m-So-Busy topics! Those are serious Show-Offs and Demotivating! If not demotivating, they certainly render inferiority complex and mystify the atmos here 😠

:bulb:Beat this!! 😛 :smile:

Damn…I thought they were inspiring and inspirational 🙂

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I always love to read a good Fiverr story, and how it changed someones life for the better. These are so inspiring and a nice change to the usual negative topics we see so often.

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From $5 to $8508.20 in 4 months...you CAN do this Fiverr Sellers!

With as blessed as I feel being a part of Fiverr, I thought it important to share my personal experience with all of you, in the hopes that by being transparent and sharing what's happening to me (and my family because of it) you will stay the...

Reading time: 12 mins ? Likes: 37 ❤

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I always love to read a good Fiverr story, and how it changed someones life for the better. These are so inspiring and a nice change to the usual negative topics we see so often.

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From $5 to $8508.20 in 4 months...you CAN do this Fiverr Sellers!

With as blessed as I feel being a part of Fiverr, I thought it important to share my personal experience with all of you, in the hopes that by being transparent and sharing what's happening to me (and my family because of it) you will stay the...

Reading time: 12 mins ? Likes: 37 ❤

Well, there’s really no reason to be negative. I can see asking questions

or even debates to resolve issues, but being negative is just silly.

Doesn’t help anyone, won’t get you anywhere and more than likely people

will walk away from you.

I was just trying to share why I feel so grateful–and yes, it made a HUGE

change in my life. Recommend Fiverr all the time with everyone I know. =)

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