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Stock Images Selection 📸:frame_photo:👌

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Hello 🙂

Sellers of some Art-related categories like Graphics & Design, Online Marketing, and Advertising, can offer premium quality licensed stock image(s) in high resolution as a gig extra, so a buyer can purchase a license for single or multiple images. Both seller and buyer get the benefits of that ; the seller increases the income by delivering work in higher quality, leaving a more satisfied customer. 😎

In fact, the seller - as an artist who has the buyer’s trust - is the one who is responsible of the right choice of the Stock Image(s) selected. However, when a customer purchases a Stock Image license, the seller has to consider the buyer’s taste, having information about the buyer’s offered product “product knowledge”, and in some cases the demography of the targeted customers of the buyer’s product, all together with inputs provided from the buyer’s side, will help the seller to determine the right choice of Stock Image(s) used, using the right keywords in searching to show some results of the probable desired image(s). 💡


Currently, the seller earns $2.5 per each Stock Image license bought with $10 by the buyer. Once a Stock Image is selected by a seller, it cannot be undone, so in some cases the buyer will be frustrated when $10 is spent with a wrong choice by the seller, the thing which I try to avoid by sending some photos to the buyer so he can choose from, in hope that the buyer is available online so I make sure to work on the selected images a time enough before the deadline. And because I don’t know how the part number or the reference number of a Stock Image or Getty image can be used in order to send a public link of the offered image to the buyer, so I keep searching for images using some keywords on Fiverr and send some screenshots to the buyer instead, and that make things go slow. 😕

So I suggest to improve the Stock Images selection process by make the process more participative. In other meaning, make a buyer able to select a range of Stock Images he/she is willing to purchase, awaiting the seller to pick the best one(s). I’ve sent my thought to the site customer support.


Also, I would like to know the sellers opinion about using the Stock image feature as a gig extra “Do you use it or not? and why?” and how much efforts does it need to be used efficiently for both buyer and seller? and does it really worth only $2.5 as a seller’s income or does it worth more?! :thinking:

Best regards


Your idea is very good. I have had one buyer who wanted to purchase a Getty image along with an article I was writing. The buyer wanted a custom quote for X amount of words, research, and the Getty image. Unfortunately Fiverr does not allow the feature to be used with custom quotes so my buyer decided not to buy it. It was a shame - no image, no cut for Fiverr, no cut for me.

As for $2.50, it’s not much. I do realize that Getty probably gets most of the $10 spent, so I kind of understand why we get a small cut. I personally don’t mind it, but I would work harder at selling it if the implemented your suggestion and others.


Your idea is very good. I have had one buyer who wanted to purchase a Getty image along with an article I was writing. The buyer wanted a custom quote for X amount of words, research, and the Getty image. Unfortunately Fiverr does not allow the feature to be used with custom quotes so my buyer decided not to buy it. It was a shame - no image, no cut for Fiverr, no cut for me.

As for $2.50, it’s not much. I do realize that Getty probably gets most of the $10 spent, so I kind of understand why we get a small cut. I personally don’t mind it, but I would work harder at selling it if the implemented your suggestion and others.

I’m sorry that you had such an experience. Today I started again thinking about using the Stock image feature as a gig extra, then I realized that as long as the buyer can NOT see or choose the Stock image that he/she previously bought its usage license for $10, but the buyer has been told that Stock images are all in premium unquestionable quality - which is true for sure - that makes it a value added to the final product. However, some buyers find it’s okay that choosing the photo is the seller’s objective, in this case the seller contributes in selling the Stock photo with a reward of $2.5 … But I guess that many sellers want to focus just on selling their services. Therefore, I believe that involving the buyer to choose the Stock photo will certainly make more deals, and make more people happy 🙂 Then, I’m not sure if the artist seller still has the right to earn the same cut of $2.5 even though the artist is the one who includes and integrates the Stock photo to his work. However, I’m pretty sure that so many buyers would love to pick a Stock image by themselves after going around such a huge stock of wonderful photos ! 👌



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