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Which category do you recommend?


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Hi penguins
Not sure where to post my gig.
I’ve tried out the following categories: Graphics and design —> social media design / Business —> virtual assistant.

Gig has been up for a while. I didn’t notice a difference in sales related to category.

Suggestions? Thanks so much, I appreciate your time and advice.
May (also a 🐧 )

Here’s the gig I’m talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/mae_creativity/be-your-facebook-page-manager-and-create-posts

Guest benlancer

I’ve seen and reviewed the link, I suppose Social Media Design> Business> Virtual Assistant is much related to your gig. 🙂


I’ve seen and reviewed the link, I suppose Social Media Design> Business> Virtual Assistant is much related to your gig. 🙂

Hi Ben, thanks for your reply.

Yes both categories are appropriate, but I’m wondering which would be better in terms of generating sales.

BTW - Social Media design is a sub-category of Graphics, and virtual assistant is sub of Business. 🙂

Guest benlancer

ohh did noticed that, I suggest try creating two gigs with different categories and see wether which one is more exposed and also this may help you broaden your service in buyer request.


ohh did noticed that, I suggest try creating two gigs with different categories and see wether which one is more exposed and also this may help you broaden your service in buyer request.

Duplicate gigs aren’t allowed.

Hmm maybe what I could do is create one gig for creating posts, and another for facebook management (which includes creating posts).

I think I’ll ask CS if that is allowed - I want written proof that it’s not a TOS violation in case fiv deletes the gigs later.



I read your entire gig description. I’m a little confused on what you are selling? Would you be “friends” with the buyer’s Facebook page so you can post motivational quotes?

I got rid of my personal Facebook about two years ago and switched to Twitter/Instagram so I may be a little backwards lost on the newest updates to it.



I read your entire gig description. I’m a little confused on what you are selling? Would you be “friends” with the buyer’s Facebook page so you can post motivational quotes?

I got rid of my personal Facebook about two years ago and switched to Twitter/Instagram so I may be a little backwards lost on the newest updates to it.




cant delete


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