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Promotions to 100,000+ twitter followers!


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I will PROMOTE your business, product, website (twitter, Facebook etc.) or ANYTHING to my active 100 000+ TWITTER FOLLOWERS in under 24 HOURS and i promise that it will be “retweeted” more the once!

With this many followers, there is a very high chance a lot of people will see your LINK!

CHECK OUT THE GIG --> http://fiverr.com/jross10/promote-anything-to-my-100000-twitter-followers

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Please post this only in the correct spot on the forum. The forum has categories for a reason. Self-promotion of your gig has a place, but not this section. And especially not the SAME message here twice.

(Perhaps you should also think what posting in the wrong place says about the gig you are trying to promote. How can you expect potential customers to trust you to do a good job for them if you can’t even follow community forum rules?)

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