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How long lasts my buyers warranty?


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I am not really familiar with buyers rights and want to be sure before I can place an order.

I wanted to buy something on fiverr but then asked myself: What if the seller uses a copyrighted song for my order or uses anything which might harm my youtube channel, and my videos get flagged/deleted after some days/weeks/months?
How much time do I have to refund my money if the delivered order actually banned me?

Hopefully you got my point 🙂


You have some reasonable questions.
First, about the copyright issue. I can’t guarantee that you get an original copy from every seller. But it depends on you. You need to choose a perfect seller who is capable of doing what you want and what you deserve for paying him/her.

And You can ask for the refund after 30 days from the day when order marked as complete.


Hello, have a look at this here, especially towards the end:
favicon.icoFiverr.com fiverr-logo-new-green-9e65bddddfd33dfcf7e06fc1e51a5bc5.png

Fiverr's Terms of Service

One marketplace, millions of professional services. Browse. Buy. Done.

And you can find some additional infos on rights and such under the policies, which are a bit harder to find than the TOS, take a look at the links on the left side of this page and look at anything that might apply to you and your usage of fiverr:


That should answer quite a few questions you might have now or which may arise with your use of fiverr.
Good luck, much success! 🍀

Oh, yes, and Nayeem has a big point with choosing a seller. There are many great sellers, but there are quite a few whose understanding of IP and such is a bit questionable or non-existent.


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