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Capgras Syndrome: What IF People Really are Being Replaced?


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In fairness, I didn’t even have the new dog when it happened. She also arrived sick, even though I didn’t know it at the time.

In retrospect, this and my dream about breaking my foot before actually breaking my big toe the next day, makes me feel like something is trying to gain my trust. i.e. Give me a few accurate predictions about the future that I verify as time passes, before presenting me with a big prediction that demands some kind of immediate action.

It is also kind of timely, as in my first ever experience of sleep paralysis when I was 15, I watched a scene that played out as the aftermath of my death. I was 35, had been murdered, and would be found in a field somewhere in England shortly after my birthday.

I thought I was safe by living in Europe. However, this year I’ll be 35 and with Brexit happening this year, I can’t help but wonder if I’m slowly being set up for everything to unfold as I saw it. The only upside is that I know exactly who kills me. In this case, I will be sending a few “just in case I soon get murdered” emails before it actually happens.

In retrospect, this and my dream about breaking my foot before actually breaking my big toe the next day, makes me feel like something is trying to gain my trust. i.e. Give me a few accurate predictions about the future that I verify as time passes, before presenting me with a big prediction that demands some kind of immediate action.

I think so. I’ve had the weird experiences too such as being told all about Brexit before it ever entered the public domain by ‘doppelganger’ aunt and a friend of my wife giving me a weird look and asking if I spilled water in the kitchen - no - and then 2 mins later I somehow spilled water, but you can figure it’s a spiritual being just acting to mess with you. Also, I studied a martial art for many years under a Chinese master and he did astrological readings and made various predictions and double-ended statements that mixed up enough truth and things that happened with other stuff to leave me in total torment and entirely open to being screwed with. He taught us spiritually - what equates to mindfulness/ Buddhist stuff - which was helpful until the time that he said “ethics are a matter a viewpoint” at which point a sense of unease that I had turned into shock as I know in my heart that is not true and these things are written in our hearts and conscience by God.

So, basically do not believe the suggestions or lies they put in your head, particularly that you will die/ be murdered etc as they are trying to steal your ability to live. The sticking suggestions in your head like ‘cancer’ too. This is the problem that when they manage to sensitise someone to their existence, then they can run havoc. I don’t think time/ space exist in spiritual realm so they are able to have knowledge of something in advance, or guess at it, at least if it is occurring somewhere else geographically and then it appears to someone told something that it’s premonition. The most effective lies are where they can mix stuff with truth. Basically, reject everything as you do not know the source and remember that anything from God will bring you peace, not torment. If you read Acts 16:16 onward there is the report of the girl with a clairvoyant spirit and the harassment of the apostles before they got p’d off and commanded it out of her. (Note her clairvoyant ability whether genuine or not was not a gift from God but something bad).

Never react to their suggestions as they are essentially trying to get you to act of your own free will and they run you around by the nose leading you deeper and deeper into darkness and destruction.

Cling to Luke 10:19 as you have full authority over the enemy and cannot be harmed, Romans 8:38-39

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

I thought I was safe by living in Europe. However, this year I’ll be 35 and with Brexit happening this year, I can’t help but wonder if I’m slowly being set up for everything to unfold as I saw it.

Reject the lie:

Job 12:10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.

Psalm 91:4- 5 He will cover you with His feathers; under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of the night, or the arrow that flies by day. (Watch Hacksaw Ridge for an extreme example of that faith in practice in contemporary times).

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Not going to the UK because of the Brexit debacle is a great idea, but don’t avoid it because of the lie they put in your head.

I rarely have that many problems now. I do have a Bible that has had pages ripped out and I do get senses of someone else being around and occasional sleep paralysis. However, things are nowhere near as bad as they once were.

I keep a small crucifix and found the St Antony prayer helpful whenever you start to sense anything or if you feel you’re getting dragged anywhere dark:

Behold, the Cross of the Lord!

Begone, all evil powers!

The Lion of the tribe of Judah

The Root of David, has conquered!

Alleluia, Alleluia!

The important thing is faith in the fact that the enemy has been defeated already by Christ and it is powerless against you other than in deceiving, tempting etc. This account of St Antony written at the time is very interesting to read as it actually provides considerable insight into things when you have already experienced them http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/2811.htm the important thing to remember is always that in Christ they have no power over you and you have authority to send them packing

—I don’t seem to be able to post any more replies again as I’ve hit some kind of limit, not sure what to do—

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We sometimes get some glimpses into how things really are. The brain serves as a front end loader, putting things that are actually happening all at the same time into a linear field so we think there is a past, present and future, but actually all there is is NOW.

So the future is already here we just don’t know it. Our brains really serve as a giant coordinated mind f*** machine. Can we change the future? No. It just seems like it from our distorted vantage point.

We aren’t predicting the future, we just are getting to see what things really are like when the front end loader malfunctions for a short while. Or when we use certain tools to bypass it.

And I can take this even further. When you learn how this works, and do predictions with playing cards like I’ve been doing for years, you realize something else just as strange. We are literally all one.

The cards don’t just “predict” the future but they bypass the concept we are all separate individuals. When the cards tell what others are doing and thinking… as well as the future events coming up, it’s not just all a big NOW, we are all just a big ONE. One mind, with many facets.


When I was in my early teens my art teacher lost her only son in a car accident and in the course of the next 2-3 years, we watched as she very gradually became convinced that someone was after her. It was equally unnerving and heartbreaking.

At first, she seemed to be genuinely unnerved by some secret knowledge she became exposed to, then she became kind of smug, in an “I know important things you don’t but they’re too obvious to explain” flat Earther kind of way. Then it became pure obsession. Her husband was in cahoots with “them” and no longer himself, her son was no longer her son. Then, naturally, some of us fell under suspicion.

I was done when I stayed late once to frame my artwork and she sat next to me demanding to know why I “came into her life”. No rational answer was good enough, she was determined to know who was behind me being there (and she wouldn’t accept that it was my parents and their wallet). It was no longer an eccentric woman making strange remarks from time to time. It was just scary at that point.

2 years after that, I found out that she physically attacked one of her younger students, lost the studio and was involuntarily committed. Which must have been terrifying for her because “they” sort of “got her” in the end.

She found a grocery list in that kid’s pocket (snooping through people’s pockets without them knowing was a thing she apparently did), saw a “sign” from “them” in there, ran in, grabbed the child and started to violently shake him demanding to know who sent him and why. Thankfully, there were a few older students hanging around in the studio and they’ve stepped in. I don’t want to know what could’ve happened if she was alone with a full class of 6-7-year-olds.

It was just a post-soviet woman who was poorly equipped (and generationally conditioned by the regime who was built by stoic people for stoic people) to deal with her emotions and crumbled under the emotional weight she couldn’t carry. I think, “they” had to come in to be the reason.

My older sister died of congenital heart defect around the same time, and she said something along the lines of “at least it makes sense”. Made me think that they might have been no “them” at all if her son’s death wasn’t so sudden and senseless to her.

The sad thing is, she was a great teacher when she was all there. Probably taught me the most about creativity, the process, the colors, the lines. Just the sweetest eccentric hippie lady.

Speaking of future predictions, soon after my sister died I dreamed of going to a circus tent with a huge wheel inside with numbers on it. I span it to find out when I’d die and got “57”. I turned 36 last month, we’ll see how it goes.

Speaking of future predictions, soon after my sister died I dreamed of going to a circus tent with a huge wheel inside with numbers on it. I span it to find out when I’d die and got “57”. I turned 36 last month, we’ll see how it goes.

This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y … don’t let it! If you want a really scary example, my friend I mentioned above executed a woman and child on a ‘leave no witnesses’ order on a covert op in Cairo. On the journey out, he lost consciousness and awoke hours later way outside the city with a skull tattoo on his forearm and “81 forever”. He has lived in torment ever since.

I’m guessing you’re not a Christian, but I do believe, and our enemy comes to “steal, kill and destroy” as he hates our humanity and joy in life. The truth is that our lives all belong to God and Job 12:10 tells you that “in His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind”.

Do read Matthew 6:25-34 … here are some excerpts, but the whole passage is comforting:

6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

6:27 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Also, why are we so fearful of death ? This world is suffering and Christ died to free us from that fear and that which keeps us in spiritual bondage.


Speaking of future predictions, soon after my sister died I dreamed of going to a circus tent with a huge wheel inside with numbers on it. I span it to find out when I’d die and got “57”. I turned 36 last month, we’ll see how it goes.

This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y … don’t let it! If you want a really scary example, my friend I mentioned above executed a woman and child on a ‘leave no witnesses’ order on a covert op in Cairo. On the journey out, he lost consciousness and awoke hours later way outside the city with a skull tattoo on his forearm and “81 forever”. He has lived in torment ever since.

I’m guessing you’re not a Christian, but I do believe, and our enemy comes to “steal, kill and destroy” as he hates our humanity and joy in life. The truth is that our lives all belong to God and Job 12:10 tells you that “in His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind”.

Do read Matthew 6:25-34 … here are some excerpts, but the whole passage is comforting:

6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

6:27 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Also, why are we so fearful of death ? This world is suffering and Christ died to free us from that fear and that which keeps us in spiritual bondage.

This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y

She actually was comforted by the dream as it seemed to indicate a life that would continue for a long time since she is still young, and this may well have been one of it’s purposes, to give her comfort.


This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y

She actually was comforted by the dream as it seemed to indicate a life that would continue for a long time since she is still young, and this may well have been one of it’s purposes, to give her comfort.

She actually was comforted by the dream as it seemed to indicate a life that would continue for a long time since she is still young, and this may well have been one of it’s purposes, to give her comfort.

Oh. I don’t know, if it’s always there niggling and suggesting a time of death then I don’t think it’s so comforting and only God knows when its time. I had Chinese astrological reading done 10y ago or so and that has been a source of torment as there’s enough there to make you think, oh-maybe, and enough that is totally ambiguous or suggestive that it just messes your head up - these are open doorways for the dark side to play around with you. One was ‘don’t wait until your 50 boy, it will be too late’ … seriously, wtf is that meant to be - with regard to what etc - but you can see how it just creates room to be tormented and make you ill at ease…


She actually was comforted by the dream as it seemed to indicate a life that would continue for a long time since she is still young, and this may well have been one of it’s purposes, to give her comfort.

Oh. I don’t know, if it’s always there niggling and suggesting a time of death then I don’t think it’s so comforting and only God knows when its time. I had Chinese astrological reading done 10y ago or so and that has been a source of torment as there’s enough there to make you think, oh-maybe, and enough that is totally ambiguous or suggestive that it just messes your head up - these are open doorways for the dark side to play around with you. One was ‘don’t wait until your 50 boy, it will be too late’ … seriously, wtf is that meant to be - with regard to what etc - but you can see how it just creates room to be tormented and make you ill at ease…

enough that is totally ambiguous or suggestive that it just messes your head up -

Thats’ one reason I don’t do any readings. I don’t want people to get upset by something that I tell them.

Dreams don’t do that. They are often comforting to the person as she stated this was to her. It might not sound like it would be to you, but it was HER dream and only she knows what is comforting to HER.

She said it gave her comfort when she was scared on a plane.


Speaking of future predictions, soon after my sister died I dreamed of going to a circus tent with a huge wheel inside with numbers on it. I span it to find out when I’d die and got “57”. I turned 36 last month, we’ll see how it goes.

This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y … don’t let it! If you want a really scary example, my friend I mentioned above executed a woman and child on a ‘leave no witnesses’ order on a covert op in Cairo. On the journey out, he lost consciousness and awoke hours later way outside the city with a skull tattoo on his forearm and “81 forever”. He has lived in torment ever since.

I’m guessing you’re not a Christian, but I do believe, and our enemy comes to “steal, kill and destroy” as he hates our humanity and joy in life. The truth is that our lives all belong to God and Job 12:10 tells you that “in His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind”.

Do read Matthew 6:25-34 … here are some excerpts, but the whole passage is comforting:

6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

6:27 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Also, why are we so fearful of death ? This world is suffering and Christ died to free us from that fear and that which keeps us in spiritual bondage.

This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y

I’m not a particularly jovial person so there is not much joy that can be stolen from me, I assure you. 🙂 The dream was a strangely positive experience, in a “Big Fish” kind of way if you know that movie.


Dream interpretation can be hard when done for someone else because they are so personal, and tailored to the person’s thoughts, hopes and needs. So to try to interpret someone else’s dream requires an intimate knowledge of that person, or at least an understanding of some concerns that are currently bothering that person.

Dreams are the language of symbols, and tie into the big consciousness, as compared with our little everyday awareness. If you know those symbols you can see that dreams are a language. Most have to do with some current worries or fears you have or current thoughts, and are meant to give insight and hope and encouragement, or sometimes show you a new way of looking at a situation you’ve been thinking about. They are incredibly helpful if you know how to interpret those symbols.


Can you imagine if someone actually created a gig to do exorcisms? Wouldn’t that be funny?

Here is one where someone has this listed as an extra on a gig:

Cast Off Demons $50 That sounds a bit pricey.

Can you imagine if someone actually created a gig to do exorcisms? Wouldn’t that be funny?

Here is one where someone has this listed as an extra on a gig:

Cast Off Demons $50 That sounds a bit pricey.

Hmmm not a bad idea 🧐


This is just a lie which is placed in your head to try and steal your joy in life for the next 21y

I’m not a particularly jovial person so there is not much joy that can be stolen from me, I assure you. 🙂 The dream was a strangely positive experience, in a “Big Fish” kind of way if you know that movie.

I’m not a particularly jovial person so there is not much joy that can be stolen from me, I assure you.

I lost my sense of humor some years ago now. If you find it, please let me know, I miss it.


I’m not a particularly jovial person so there is not much joy that can be stolen from me, I assure you.

I lost my sense of humor some years ago now. If you find it, please let me know, I miss it.

I lost my sense of humor some years ago now. If you find it, please let me know, I miss it.

I am so sorry to hear that! I find humor in so much and it keeps me going when things get difficult. Sometimes I can even laugh when things get terrible, just because it’s amusing to me how life can throw you so many problems. Of course extreme pain of any kind is no joke, and I am also familiar with that kind.


I was told of exactly this by the CEO of a UK company as being operated as a ‘program’ by British intelligence/ security services to ‘security clear’ you for work with govt and corporations.

I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m also guessing by your username that you just joined Fiverr to comment on this thread after searching for Capgras information via search engines? If so, I should point out that I am in no way an expert.

I don’t know this person any longer. However, she did mention that her problem stated after she and her husband were trying to set up some kind of ISP service. (That was a big deal at the time.)

That said, I do understand the demonic angle you are hinting at. I’m sorry you have had to deal with this yourself. You seem to have already found the right solution though. All I will add is that from my own experience, you also have to treat spirits and demons like animals.

In one sense, they are like sharks in the unseen ether of the world. - Meaning they can smell you thinking about them from a mile away. At the same time, they are like dogs, in that they come when you call them. - And when you think about them, you kind of call them.

It’s a Catch 22 of the world we can’t see. You are having an experience that is immediate, real, threatening, and just like if there was a serial killer trying to break into your house, you want to talk about it and start sounding the alarm. Sadly, all this does in practice is feed the attention seeking nature of your enemy.

In short, you have to find a way to lock down your mind. It is not easy. (I still sleep with the light on.) However, it is possible. You just need to realize your authority over yourself and what you allow into your life.

Of course, that is easy to say, but I imagine, a lot harder in practice when close family are suddenly replaced, possessed, or manipulated through other means. However, that is the best advice I can give.

I hope the new year sees you rebuild, continue to keep faith, and continue healing.

Getting back to original topic, I’ve contacted someone that has been through 2y of hell with spouse, children, family, pets being replaced and claims to be ok now and doing well. In sensitivity to their situation and distress I asked to limit only to what they are comfortable saying as I didn’t want to trigger any distress. The takeaway was that the whole thing started when they were researching something sensitive and filed for information under FOI act. So, again, similar circumstances - either developing stuff which is of commercial interest/ threatens vested interest or delving into/ looking to expose stuff to do with the real world operation of kingdom of darkness.

This is scary and leaves me with a very disturbing paradox.

The only people who claim to be ‘cured’ are those who ‘seek help’ and turn to the system itself for drugs, help with ‘thinking clearly’ and abandon what they were doing/ looking into/ or give up control/ conform. They then lead ‘normal’ and many instances, ‘successful’ lives. From a spiritual perspective, this to me seems to me denying the truth that you know and selling out to be of the world, turning somewhere other than God and essentially selling your soul, exchanging the truth for a lie.

The flip-side is that when you see through everything, it is such an horrific and dark reality, and this terror brought upon you is so great and unbearable, that you are left in such a distressing situation in losing everyone that you love, everything that you have worked so hard for, to maintain integrity and pursue truth, that it becomes unbearable to exist in such pain and with such a terrifying knowledge that it becomes impossible to understand and comprehend the world, and it is difficult to reconcile anything with a world in which love is the answer.

So then if you question the second, and flip back to the first, i.e. God must be good and loving and want love etc so it must just be delusion - why is it then that these circumstances and many other cases of ‘mental health’ issues (note the extreme prevalence of this phenomena in the bio’s of ‘successful’/ ‘influential’ people, cases of disputed commercial contracts, ‘whistleblowers’ from intelligence agencies, music artists suddenly being insitutionalised and then seemingly ‘cloned’ etc) all equate to submission to a power structure of greed and control and either selling your soul or ignoring evil?

This is truly very, very scary and I think it’s pretty hard to argue that this first scenario is virtuous as becoming part of an evil system, or being cowed into not exposing something that it is doing, goes against our humanity and conscience.

So, then it’s reasonable to ask the question as to what is the truth about these attacks that are brought to bear up on the targets who are are experiencing ‘delusional’ phenomena. The argument by ‘the system’ is that it is a function of their minds - that they are not ‘thinking clearly’ which equates to not thinking like the masses. This in itself is entirely counter-intuitive as it is exactly those individuals with exceptional abilities who will by definition not think like the masses. These are the same people who have the ability to instigate and inspire change and attain positions of influence, acquire wealth etc and so they must be controlled by such a system otherwise their humanity and conscience will serve to act against its interests.

What is the source of the delusion, which may or may not exist in the mind? The argument that truth = what everyone agrees upon is invalid as is the argument that just because some of alleged proof exists.

If I sat a coffee cup on the table with 48 dots on it and while someone was at the bathroom, replaced it with a coffee cup with 47 dots, they wouldn’t notice the difference. If they were made aware of the fact, then they would notice the difference at the same time that everyone else would say they were crazy as it is evidently the same coffee cup.

If I taught you in psych at university that if someone told you that they see pink bunnies on their bedroom wall then they have disorder X, then everyone that came to your professional practice seeing pink bunnies on their bedroom wall would be categorised with a mental health issue. However, if the truth was that there was an undisclosed way to make pink bunnies appear on bedroom walls, then there would be absolutely nothing wrong with those people whatsoever but they could be persecuted and discredited at will if they are a target for any reason. (The illustration of pink bunnies on bedroom walls is just to demonstrate a point simply).

What is the source of these delusions ? Is it purely consciousness? Altered states of consciousness can be induced chemically and leaked info/ docs from decades ago reveal the very active pursuit of knowledge regarding this stuff ? Is it spiritually (demonically) induced ? In some cases perhaps it is either or both. Is it that there really is something that is so horrific that it exists in our physical plane (with regard to capgras specifically) and that there are different physical entities and an horrific occult truth (which would be consistent with the ‘celebrity clones’ and terrifying extrapolations of mkultra/ monarch etc) ?

I’m sorry, because I am left in the most unimaginably distressing situation and trapped between a heart that wants everything to be ok as per the individual who abandoned their digging and a conscience/ abilities that previously served me well (although perhaps misused for my purposes and not God’s) that have always told me that all is off and the truth is something awful.

There is an awful dilemma involved too in that it does not only involve me, but the other people who may or may not be themselves! If they are not, then how does one handle that as you are the sole occupant of that position of knowledge (as per Anne Marie) in a world that entirely disbelieves and discredits you.

If they are, then how does one reconcile the very real torment that exists through the irreconcilable memories, evidence and inexplicable interactions with entities/ beings that have tormented and attacked you? And the seeming non co-incidence with confrontation of the interests of dark powers?

If I could turn back time, then truly I would learn to love selflessly, to put others ahead of myself and to value my integrity above all else, to thank God for every blessing, every breath, every day and to follow His will, not mine. Everywhere that I have failed in this has compounded out problems and distress to this point, and while these things regarding our reality, the truth of what is going on etc, is ultimately all meaningless as we will not know and it is beyond our comprehension. I do believe that if you have a pure heart and undefiled conscience then you will be close to God, and He provided the way to do that through Christ Jesus. Please don’t end up like me, but turn to Him, look at everything in your own life and find your way to Him because everywhere else gets pretty darn dark and miserable at some point.


Getting back to original topic, I’ve contacted someone that has been through 2y of hell with spouse, children, family, pets being replaced and claims to be ok now and doing well. In sensitivity to their situation and distress I asked to limit only to what they are comfortable saying as I didn’t want to trigger any distress. The takeaway was that the whole thing started when they were researching something sensitive and filed for information under FOI act. So, again, similar circumstances - either developing stuff which is of commercial interest/ threatens vested interest or delving into/ looking to expose stuff to do with the real world operation of kingdom of darkness.

This is scary and leaves me with a very disturbing paradox.

The only people who claim to be ‘cured’ are those who ‘seek help’ and turn to the system itself for drugs, help with ‘thinking clearly’ and abandon what they were doing/ looking into/ or give up control/ conform. They then lead ‘normal’ and many instances, ‘successful’ lives. From a spiritual perspective, this to me seems to me denying the truth that you know and selling out to be of the world, turning somewhere other than God and essentially selling your soul, exchanging the truth for a lie.

The flip-side is that when you see through everything, it is such an horrific and dark reality, and this terror brought upon you is so great and unbearable, that you are left in such a distressing situation in losing everyone that you love, everything that you have worked so hard for, to maintain integrity and pursue truth, that it becomes unbearable to exist in such pain and with such a terrifying knowledge that it becomes impossible to understand and comprehend the world, and it is difficult to reconcile anything with a world in which love is the answer.

So then if you question the second, and flip back to the first, i.e. God must be good and loving and want love etc so it must just be delusion - why is it then that these circumstances and many other cases of ‘mental health’ issues (note the extreme prevalence of this phenomena in the bio’s of ‘successful’/ ‘influential’ people, cases of disputed commercial contracts, ‘whistleblowers’ from intelligence agencies, music artists suddenly being insitutionalised and then seemingly ‘cloned’ etc) all equate to submission to a power structure of greed and control and either selling your soul or ignoring evil?

This is truly very, very scary and I think it’s pretty hard to argue that this first scenario is virtuous as becoming part of an evil system, or being cowed into not exposing something that it is doing, goes against our humanity and conscience.

So, then it’s reasonable to ask the question as to what is the truth about these attacks that are brought to bear up on the targets who are are experiencing ‘delusional’ phenomena. The argument by ‘the system’ is that it is a function of their minds - that they are not ‘thinking clearly’ which equates to not thinking like the masses. This in itself is entirely counter-intuitive as it is exactly those individuals with exceptional abilities who will by definition not think like the masses. These are the same people who have the ability to instigate and inspire change and attain positions of influence, acquire wealth etc and so they must be controlled by such a system otherwise their humanity and conscience will serve to act against its interests.

What is the source of the delusion, which may or may not exist in the mind? The argument that truth = what everyone agrees upon is invalid as is the argument that just because some of alleged proof exists.

If I sat a coffee cup on the table with 48 dots on it and while someone was at the bathroom, replaced it with a coffee cup with 47 dots, they wouldn’t notice the difference. If they were made aware of the fact, then they would notice the difference at the same time that everyone else would say they were crazy as it is evidently the same coffee cup.

If I taught you in psych at university that if someone told you that they see pink bunnies on their bedroom wall then they have disorder X, then everyone that came to your professional practice seeing pink bunnies on their bedroom wall would be categorised with a mental health issue. However, if the truth was that there was an undisclosed way to make pink bunnies appear on bedroom walls, then there would be absolutely nothing wrong with those people whatsoever but they could be persecuted and discredited at will if they are a target for any reason. (The illustration of pink bunnies on bedroom walls is just to demonstrate a point simply).

What is the source of these delusions ? Is it purely consciousness? Altered states of consciousness can be induced chemically and leaked info/ docs from decades ago reveal the very active pursuit of knowledge regarding this stuff ? Is it spiritually (demonically) induced ? In some cases perhaps it is either or both. Is it that there really is something that is so horrific that it exists in our physical plane (with regard to capgras specifically) and that there are different physical entities and an horrific occult truth (which would be consistent with the ‘celebrity clones’ and terrifying extrapolations of mkultra/ monarch etc) ?

I’m sorry, because I am left in the most unimaginably distressing situation and trapped between a heart that wants everything to be ok as per the individual who abandoned their digging and a conscience/ abilities that previously served me well (although perhaps misused for my purposes and not God’s) that have always told me that all is off and the truth is something awful.

There is an awful dilemma involved too in that it does not only involve me, but the other people who may or may not be themselves! If they are not, then how does one handle that as you are the sole occupant of that position of knowledge (as per Anne Marie) in a world that entirely disbelieves and discredits you.

If they are, then how does one reconcile the very real torment that exists through the irreconcilable memories, evidence and inexplicable interactions with entities/ beings that have tormented and attacked you? And the seeming non co-incidence with confrontation of the interests of dark powers?

If I could turn back time, then truly I would learn to love selflessly, to put others ahead of myself and to value my integrity above all else, to thank God for every blessing, every breath, every day and to follow His will, not mine. Everywhere that I have failed in this has compounded out problems and distress to this point, and while these things regarding our reality, the truth of what is going on etc, is ultimately all meaningless as we will not know and it is beyond our comprehension. I do believe that if you have a pure heart and undefiled conscience then you will be close to God, and He provided the way to do that through Christ Jesus. Please don’t end up like me, but turn to Him, look at everything in your own life and find your way to Him because everywhere else gets pretty darn dark and miserable at some point.

If I could turn back time, then truly I would learn to love selflessly, to put others ahead of myself and to value my integrity above all else,

The various labels the mental health system puts on people needs to be questioned and I’m not the only one thinking that. One Stanford U. professor on Youtube says just that, and says it’s all just individuals rather than the old thinking that everyone has to be a certain way, regimented, and anyone who is NOT regimented must be labeled mentally ill, criminal or just plain evil.


Getting back to original topic, I’ve contacted someone that has been through 2y of hell with spouse, children, family, pets being replaced and claims to be ok now and doing well. In sensitivity to their situation and distress I asked to limit only to what they are comfortable saying as I didn’t want to trigger any distress. The takeaway was that the whole thing started when they were researching something sensitive and filed for information under FOI act. So, again, similar circumstances - either developing stuff which is of commercial interest/ threatens vested interest or delving into/ looking to expose stuff to do with the real world operation of kingdom of darkness.

This is scary and leaves me with a very disturbing paradox.

The only people who claim to be ‘cured’ are those who ‘seek help’ and turn to the system itself for drugs, help with ‘thinking clearly’ and abandon what they were doing/ looking into/ or give up control/ conform. They then lead ‘normal’ and many instances, ‘successful’ lives. From a spiritual perspective, this to me seems to me denying the truth that you know and selling out to be of the world, turning somewhere other than God and essentially selling your soul, exchanging the truth for a lie.

The flip-side is that when you see through everything, it is such an horrific and dark reality, and this terror brought upon you is so great and unbearable, that you are left in such a distressing situation in losing everyone that you love, everything that you have worked so hard for, to maintain integrity and pursue truth, that it becomes unbearable to exist in such pain and with such a terrifying knowledge that it becomes impossible to understand and comprehend the world, and it is difficult to reconcile anything with a world in which love is the answer.

So then if you question the second, and flip back to the first, i.e. God must be good and loving and want love etc so it must just be delusion - why is it then that these circumstances and many other cases of ‘mental health’ issues (note the extreme prevalence of this phenomena in the bio’s of ‘successful’/ ‘influential’ people, cases of disputed commercial contracts, ‘whistleblowers’ from intelligence agencies, music artists suddenly being insitutionalised and then seemingly ‘cloned’ etc) all equate to submission to a power structure of greed and control and either selling your soul or ignoring evil?

This is truly very, very scary and I think it’s pretty hard to argue that this first scenario is virtuous as becoming part of an evil system, or being cowed into not exposing something that it is doing, goes against our humanity and conscience.

So, then it’s reasonable to ask the question as to what is the truth about these attacks that are brought to bear up on the targets who are are experiencing ‘delusional’ phenomena. The argument by ‘the system’ is that it is a function of their minds - that they are not ‘thinking clearly’ which equates to not thinking like the masses. This in itself is entirely counter-intuitive as it is exactly those individuals with exceptional abilities who will by definition not think like the masses. These are the same people who have the ability to instigate and inspire change and attain positions of influence, acquire wealth etc and so they must be controlled by such a system otherwise their humanity and conscience will serve to act against its interests.

What is the source of the delusion, which may or may not exist in the mind? The argument that truth = what everyone agrees upon is invalid as is the argument that just because some of alleged proof exists.

If I sat a coffee cup on the table with 48 dots on it and while someone was at the bathroom, replaced it with a coffee cup with 47 dots, they wouldn’t notice the difference. If they were made aware of the fact, then they would notice the difference at the same time that everyone else would say they were crazy as it is evidently the same coffee cup.

If I taught you in psych at university that if someone told you that they see pink bunnies on their bedroom wall then they have disorder X, then everyone that came to your professional practice seeing pink bunnies on their bedroom wall would be categorised with a mental health issue. However, if the truth was that there was an undisclosed way to make pink bunnies appear on bedroom walls, then there would be absolutely nothing wrong with those people whatsoever but they could be persecuted and discredited at will if they are a target for any reason. (The illustration of pink bunnies on bedroom walls is just to demonstrate a point simply).

What is the source of these delusions ? Is it purely consciousness? Altered states of consciousness can be induced chemically and leaked info/ docs from decades ago reveal the very active pursuit of knowledge regarding this stuff ? Is it spiritually (demonically) induced ? In some cases perhaps it is either or both. Is it that there really is something that is so horrific that it exists in our physical plane (with regard to capgras specifically) and that there are different physical entities and an horrific occult truth (which would be consistent with the ‘celebrity clones’ and terrifying extrapolations of mkultra/ monarch etc) ?

I’m sorry, because I am left in the most unimaginably distressing situation and trapped between a heart that wants everything to be ok as per the individual who abandoned their digging and a conscience/ abilities that previously served me well (although perhaps misused for my purposes and not God’s) that have always told me that all is off and the truth is something awful.

There is an awful dilemma involved too in that it does not only involve me, but the other people who may or may not be themselves! If they are not, then how does one handle that as you are the sole occupant of that position of knowledge (as per Anne Marie) in a world that entirely disbelieves and discredits you.

If they are, then how does one reconcile the very real torment that exists through the irreconcilable memories, evidence and inexplicable interactions with entities/ beings that have tormented and attacked you? And the seeming non co-incidence with confrontation of the interests of dark powers?

If I could turn back time, then truly I would learn to love selflessly, to put others ahead of myself and to value my integrity above all else, to thank God for every blessing, every breath, every day and to follow His will, not mine. Everywhere that I have failed in this has compounded out problems and distress to this point, and while these things regarding our reality, the truth of what is going on etc, is ultimately all meaningless as we will not know and it is beyond our comprehension. I do believe that if you have a pure heart and undefiled conscience then you will be close to God, and He provided the way to do that through Christ Jesus. Please don’t end up like me, but turn to Him, look at everything in your own life and find your way to Him because everywhere else gets pretty darn dark and miserable at some point.

The only people who claim to be ‘cured’ are those who ‘seek help’ and turn to the system itself for drugs, help with ‘thinking clearly’ and abandon what they were doing/ looking into/ or give up control/ conform. They then lead ‘normal’ and many instances, ‘successful’ lives. From a spiritual perspective, this to me seems to me denying the truth that you know and selling out to be of the world, turning somewhere other than God and essentially selling your soul, exchanging the truth for a lie.

To me it seems like they have received the medical help that they’ve needed.


The only people who claim to be ‘cured’ are those who ‘seek help’ and turn to the system itself for drugs, help with ‘thinking clearly’ and abandon what they were doing/ looking into/ or give up control/ conform. They then lead ‘normal’ and many instances, ‘successful’ lives. From a spiritual perspective, this to me seems to me denying the truth that you know and selling out to be of the world, turning somewhere other than God and essentially selling your soul, exchanging the truth for a lie.

To me it seems like they have received the medical help that they’ve needed.

To me it seems like they have received the medical help that they’ve needed.

That’s only true sometimes. Some are damaged by the “help” they get.


The only people who claim to be ‘cured’ are those who ‘seek help’ and turn to the system itself for drugs, help with ‘thinking clearly’ and abandon what they were doing/ looking into/ or give up control/ conform. They then lead ‘normal’ and many instances, ‘successful’ lives. From a spiritual perspective, this to me seems to me denying the truth that you know and selling out to be of the world, turning somewhere other than God and essentially selling your soul, exchanging the truth for a lie.

To me it seems like they have received the medical help that they’ve needed.

To me it seems like they have received the medical help that they’ve needed.

There seems to be a marked difference between instances where there is a genuine identifiable cause, such as a case following a head trauma, those with non-distinguishable but inferred causes, such as brain degenaration in alzheimer’s or parkinson’s patients, and those in cases in which there is a remarkable commonality in people confronting ‘vested interest’ by an invisible system that controls gov’t, finance, commerce etc. This is very real, and its power lies in the fact that it is entirely plausibly deniable.

If I ask this - let’s say someone turns to the system, takes meds, and the ‘delusion’ stops - what happened - do they now ‘think clearly’ because of different chemical processes, has their ability to perceive things changed, or has something been withdrawn in response to their changed rhetoric ?

Now let me ask this - if someone appeared to turn to the system and take meds, but never actually took them, instead just said that everything was fine now and they don’t have any ‘delusion’ about people being replaced and so the scary part of the attacks stop - to what would you attribute the change in their experience ? It can’t be any change in perception, it can’t be anything to do with meds, it can only be because an external stimuli were withdrawn in response to their rhetoric.

This is what happened to me when it first happened.

The question then is wtf is being used to attack you, is it spiritual, is it technology, is it both, and who are these entities. Presumably it’s why Anne Marie stayed quiet for 20y, because opening your mouth about it is like sticking your head up above the trench in WW1 to whatever this evil stuff is.


To me it seems like they have received the medical help that they’ve needed.

There seems to be a marked difference between instances where there is a genuine identifiable cause, such as a case following a head trauma, those with non-distinguishable but inferred causes, such as brain degenaration in alzheimer’s or parkinson’s patients, and those in cases in which there is a remarkable commonality in people confronting ‘vested interest’ by an invisible system that controls gov’t, finance, commerce etc. This is very real, and its power lies in the fact that it is entirely plausibly deniable.

If I ask this - let’s say someone turns to the system, takes meds, and the ‘delusion’ stops - what happened - do they now ‘think clearly’ because of different chemical processes, has their ability to perceive things changed, or has something been withdrawn in response to their changed rhetoric ?

Now let me ask this - if someone appeared to turn to the system and take meds, but never actually took them, instead just said that everything was fine now and they don’t have any ‘delusion’ about people being replaced and so the scary part of the attacks stop - to what would you attribute the change in their experience ? It can’t be any change in perception, it can’t be anything to do with meds, it can only be because an external stimuli were withdrawn in response to their rhetoric.

This is what happened to me when it first happened.

The question then is wtf is being used to attack you, is it spiritual, is it technology, is it both, and who are these entities. Presumably it’s why Anne Marie stayed quiet for 20y, because opening your mouth about it is like sticking your head up above the trench in WW1 to whatever this evil stuff is.

people confronting ‘vested interest’ by an invisible system that controls gov’t, finance, commerce etc.

We all are openly confronting that since we are all controlled by our governments and society we live in. Nothing is hidden about that if you do enough reading about how it all works. Not that it’s ok though of course.

I’ve tried to think of what real freedom would be, without any type of interference. It would be a major project but some have managed it.

If you are concerned about people being replaced, perhaps being a hermit would be the answer, staying away from other people completely.


people confronting ‘vested interest’ by an invisible system that controls gov’t, finance, commerce etc.

We all are openly confronting that since we are all controlled by our governments and society we live in. Nothing is hidden about that if you do enough reading about how it all works. Not that it’s ok though of course.

I’ve tried to think of what real freedom would be, without any type of interference. It would be a major project but some have managed it.

If you are concerned about people being replaced, perhaps being a hermit would be the answer, staying away from other people completely.

If you are concerned about people being replaced, perhaps being a hermit would be the answer, staying away from other people completely.

That seems to be the objective as the better they are able to isolate and discredit you, the less threat you pose to anything. It seems like Anne Marie to a large degree did that, and I had pretty much done that too - how easy is it to live a ‘normal’ life when you have something that sounds impossible to say ? I was previously extremely credible - I can list a lot of very powerful hedge fund managers that I would speak with every day, I would meet with the people that run the funding for different countries, finance ministers etc, had an excellent reputation within my field and then made a very neat invention and developed something that was deemed impossible and was quite remarkable. The difference between being a very wealthy man and being homeless/ penniless was a refusal to comply with the system and an attempt to expose some of its operation. At the point that you are destitute, you are no longer credible. Just a crazy bum. As I said earlier, the guy who was CIA SOG/ US 5th special forces confirmed that in the circumstances, this was a plausible method to eliminate such a threat. There is a lot of detail that I could give of what happened, but in some respects it serves their purpose, and there is a lot of stuff that exists way outside of the public realm with regard to both technology employed and what is seemingly spiritual/ invisible. Also, as I said, this guy is a tough as they come, literally pieced together from all his war wounds, more scars than most men have hairs from knives etc and he’s died and come back to life more times than a cat! He is too scared to tell what he describes as a grain of sand in a room of knowledge about what is really going on.


If you are concerned about people being replaced, perhaps being a hermit would be the answer, staying away from other people completely.

That seems to be the objective as the better they are able to isolate and discredit you, the less threat you pose to anything. It seems like Anne Marie to a large degree did that, and I had pretty much done that too - how easy is it to live a ‘normal’ life when you have something that sounds impossible to say ? I was previously extremely credible - I can list a lot of very powerful hedge fund managers that I would speak with every day, I would meet with the people that run the funding for different countries, finance ministers etc, had an excellent reputation within my field and then made a very neat invention and developed something that was deemed impossible and was quite remarkable. The difference between being a very wealthy man and being homeless/ penniless was a refusal to comply with the system and an attempt to expose some of its operation. At the point that you are destitute, you are no longer credible. Just a crazy bum. As I said earlier, the guy who was CIA SOG/ US 5th special forces confirmed that in the circumstances, this was a plausible method to eliminate such a threat. There is a lot of detail that I could give of what happened, but in some respects it serves their purpose, and there is a lot of stuff that exists way outside of the public realm with regard to both technology employed and what is seemingly spiritual/ invisible. Also, as I said, this guy is a tough as they come, literally pieced together from all his war wounds, more scars than most men have hairs from knives etc and he’s died and come back to life more times than a cat! He is too scared to tell what he describes as a grain of sand in a room of knowledge about what is really going on.

how easy is it to live a ‘normal’ life when you have something that sounds impossible

Tell me about it!

I’ve been very close to the top powers in US government and let me tell you a bigger bunch of mostly, not all, phonies you never saw.


how easy is it to live a ‘normal’ life when you have something that sounds impossible

Tell me about it!

I’ve been very close to the top powers in US government and let me tell you a bigger bunch of mostly, not all, phonies you never saw.

But slowly our field is becoming more mainstream, at least in the movies.

I find the whole movie thing disturbing as they are all dropping bits of information, disinformation, possible truths, and probable lies, to entirely mock us on one hand, to perhaps present the truth on another, and to keep us entirely confused and misdirected on yet another. Across the whole lot, there is a very, very disturbing truth that is quite horrific and pure evil. Everything always leads back to the same place, that there is a great evil controlling the world, destroying humanity, and I only ever come back to the truth that lies in Christ Jesus and His love.


how easy is it to live a ‘normal’ life when you have something that sounds impossible

Tell me about it!

I’ve been very close to the top powers in US government and let me tell you a bigger bunch of mostly, not all, phonies you never saw.

I’ve been very close to the top powers in US government and let me tell you a bigger bunch of mostly, not all, phonies you never saw.

Which one of the 8 Obama’s was phony??!!


But slowly our field is becoming more mainstream, at least in the movies.

I find the whole movie thing disturbing as they are all dropping bits of information, disinformation, possible truths, and probable lies, to entirely mock us on one hand, to perhaps present the truth on another, and to keep us entirely confused and misdirected on yet another. Across the whole lot, there is a very, very disturbing truth that is quite horrific and pure evil. Everything always leads back to the same place, that there is a great evil controlling the world, destroying humanity, and I only ever come back to the truth that lies in Christ Jesus and His love.

I only ever come back to the truth that lies in Christ Jesus and His love.

🤐 Ok…


😇 I can only tell it like it is from what I’ve found out the hard way!

😇 I can only tell it like it is from what I’ve found out the hard way!

You are talking to someone who tried using a preacher to get rid of a house poltergeist, and it failed. But to each their own…

I feel whatever works… and I’ve had luck and results from prayers and religion at other times too. I’ve had my life saved in a miraculous way when I was about to drown in the ocean.


😇 I can only tell it like it is from what I’ve found out the hard way!

You are talking to someone who tried using a preacher to get rid of a house poltergeist, and it failed. But to each their own…

I feel whatever works… and I’ve had luck and results from prayers and religion at other times too. I’ve had my life saved in a miraculous way when I was about to drown in the ocean.

You are talking to someone who tried using a preacher to get rid of a house poltergeist, and it failed. But to each their own…

Well, I wouldn’t dismiss the whole thing based on one experience/ one person and I think dealing with a poltergeist is pretty freaky stuff. My dad was actually a vicar/pastor whatever you call them wherever you are and I don’t know much about what he encountered with respect to that stuff, only that I think he had one experience when we were little kids that freaked him out, he gave us crucifixes to keep under our pillows and he avoided this stuff like the plague! I’ve also met a catholic exorcist who’s eyes are simultaneously entirely gentle, and entirely fearless who confronts this stuff all the time.

I’ve had my life saved in a miraculous way when I was about to drown in the ocean.

That’s cool. I think that is God saving you and waiting for you to look for Him. I had a couple of inexplicable interventions in same way that saved my life - once on a cliff face and once cycling in traffic


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