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  1. Hi @Kesha, If it's an educational platform, I like the style of CreativeLive better than Fiverr Learn for several reasons: 1. CreativeLive lessons are tailored for those who are hearing-impaired like I am, so words in the script are highlighted as the video is playing (you can also click on words in the script and get taken to that exact spot in the video). 2. CreativeLive doesn't give badges for completing courses, while Fiverr Learn does. I love learning, so I may take courses that aren't relevant to the services that I offer on Fiverr. I don't want to have badges on my profile for courses that aren't relevant to the services that I'm offering. For example, learning Adobe InDesign isn't relevant to my technical writing services even though I may design a resume or cover letter. I want the focus to be on my writing skills, not my design skills. So based on the list that you provided: Videos + Quizzes: This is a yes for me, but I need to have some type of subtitling or transcripts. The transcripts that CreativeLive provides are the best. It allows you to easily skip forward if you are reading faster than the video and skip around the videos based on the words you click. This also includes Courses, Articles, and Case Studies. Dashboard: This would be separate from the educational platform, so I'm guessing that you'd like to have helpful prompts on the seller dashboard that would remind them of Fiverr's ToS (especially related to spam messages to take conversation/business off the platform, scam and phishing tactics, review manipulation, location inconsistencies, etc.). You could also have helpful Videos and Links to the Help Center here, like we have in our Analytics pages. For Sellers, I'd love to have a Preview as a Buyer option, so sellers can go through the entire order process of our their gigs - this would help sellers catch issues their buyers may encounter beforehand and also give sellers an extra resource to help their buyers throughout the order process. I know buyers don't have a seller Dashboard, but it would be nice for them to have prompts to teach them about Fiverr's ToS, the importance of leaving reviews, and the order process (how buyers pay first, order requirements are needed to start the order, how orders auto-close and how to request a revision/more time to review to prevent that, etc.). Forums with Designated Topics: I think we already have that, but we could improve access to these topics. Some topics are asked multiple times a day, every day. It might be nice to have those topics displayed upon entry to the forum (as a pop up) or at the top of the form as a note - 'How can I get orders? Click here' or 'Fiverr Support is asking me to provide credit card info (or scan a QR code) for payment? Scam alerts here.' These can be rotating notes (gallery style) are static. Paid Mentorship Program: I think this would be great if the mentors were actual sellers with experience on the platform (and they were compensated for their efforts). Sellers already vetted through Fiverr (Pro, TRS, Agency, or other) could activate a "Mentor" label on their profile and other sellers could request this service. Zoom Group Discussions: This might be good for those who like this option. I might consider attending the Zoom call if it is offered at a different time (these are usually scheduled around 1 or 3 am Hawaii time). My environment is also not the best for Zoom calls, so this is probably a 'no' for me. I prefer providing written feedback in the form of questionnaires or forum post. Courses/Webinars: Courses CreativeLive style - yes. Webinars - not really, if we are doing the videos with the transcripts. There isn't enough time to adequately cover the Q&A of all attendees. I'd rather have feedback solicited via written format. I'd prefer to have the training segmented By subject of interest (communication, processes, etc.) and progress to be tracked by Progress Tracker - no need to incentivize or gamify the learning process. Those who take the incentive to learn what it takes to grow their business will most likely thrive and those who don't will either lose their business or struggle. And if they struggle, hopefully they come to the forum and we can direct them to the Help Center and other educational resources. Edit: There are several Level 2 Sellers that I'd like to receive mentorship from. It would be nice if sellers could request a profile to be reviewed/upgraded to TRS, and if the seller wants to provide mentorship, they can. Mentors should have the ability to accept or deny mentorship requests based on their own vetting process.
  2. I recently experienced a hacking incident with my Fiverr account. I contacted Fiverr Customer Support, and they temporary disabled my account to avoid further issues. They guided me through several steps to verify my identity and secure my account. I provided the last 4 digits of my phone number, my Payoneer ID, and a screenshot of a full system scan as requested.

    However, I am unable to recall the answer to my security question. The support team then asked me to confirm my date of birth, which I have done, along with enabling two-factor authentication for added security. Despite this, they still need the answer to my security question to proceed but I don't remember it at all.

    Thank you,

  3. Sorry @fallindrews, but read through the OP's question and @ana_tomy's response again. If you want to do business on Fiverr's platform, it is NOT OKAY to move communications elsewhere. All communication has to stay on Fiverr, or you risk losing your Fiverr account and being banned permanently from the platform.
  4. Hi @qasimkhan929 - There's no reason not to communicate with your buyer before making a delivery. Thank them for placing an order and summarize the agreements and activities that took place in the inbox. Then let them know that you met all of the buyer's requirements and you will be sending a delivery shortly. Allow the buyer time to respond, to either confirm that the project meets their requirements or to make any other comments before sending the final delivery.
  5. @ejazwali1, It might be wise to pause your posting on the forum and start reading. Read through my reply to you above if you are really interested in building a business here on Fiverr. This is a good place to start.
  6. To be truthful, you would need to set your English language abilities to "Conversational," and disclose in your bio that you use ChatGPT. You don't need to say you are fluent when you are not. However, your ability to spell does have an impact on SEO, so that would impact whether a buyer would want to work with you or not.
  7. Only if you want to have your account shut down. Do business the right way, there's no fast track to success (but there's a speedy path to exiting the platform if you try to cheat).
  8. Hi @ejazwali1, you can use your digital marketing expertise to help you get more clicks, orders, and impressions on Fiverr: 1. Impressions. Pay attention to the keywords that you are using in your gig titles, gig descriptions, and packages. Correct the misspellings you have and watch your use of abbreviations - make sure to use the exact terms that your buyers will be using when searching for your services so that your gigs will be relevant to their searches. You have two great reviews, so that will also affect your visibility in search. As you gain more orders and deliver quality work, your gig will be seen as more relevant for buyers when they search for your services (this is really the best way to get more orders and visibility on Fiverr's platform). 2. Clicks. Clicks are related to how attractive your gigs are to buyers when your gigs (along with all of your competitors' gigs) show up in search. Buyers only have a few seconds of scanning through the search results to find the gigs that attract the eye. If your clicks are low, that means buyers are passing over your gigs and clicking on the gigs of other sellers. Buyers can see your gig videos (so fix the typos there), gig images, your ratings, seller level and prices. Set a thumbnail image for all of your gig videos so it's easy for buyers to tell at a glance what service you are offering. Once your video is approved by Fiverr, you can hover over your video to edit and select your thumbnail image. The thumbnail image should only have 1-5 words that clearly describe your services. The goal for clicks is to get buyers to visit your profile and gigs. 3. Orders. Once buyers visit your profile and gigs, it is up to you to convince them that you are the seller who will take care of them and solve their problems. Your profile is your business card to your buyers, and how you present yourself here is extremely important, especially when you only have a few reviews/social proof. Communicate professionalism, credibility, and trustworthiness. Make sure you aren't promising results that you can't deliver (e.g., "watch your sales skyrocket") or selling yourself too cheap. You don't have to start at $5 prices. I think your Portfolio section is off to a great start but you could also take advantage of your gig galleries. You get 3 images, 2 PDFs (with unlimited pages), and a gig video to show buyers what you can do for them. You can also utilize the FAQ section more and think through your packages so that they provide the best value for your target customers. If done right, your messaging, images, and work samples will resonate with your buyers and they will contact you in your inbox to find out how they can place an order with you. You are still new, so take advantage of what the Help Center and Forum have to offer you. Post less, read more, and you'll learn a lot about how to grow your business on Fiverr. I wish you the best of luck!
  9. The 7-day clearance and Early Payout features only apply to new orders placed after joining Seller Plus. All orders that are already pending payments will still take 14 days to clear.
  10. They are probably ignoring you because you mentioned "Fiverr account accidentally deactivated" and CS is getting a lot of spammy tickets right now by sellers whose accounts were deactivated/flagged by Fiverr (intentionally). They might have lumped you into that same group of sellers. @Lena or @milos_siena, do you think you can help @warmtone66 (whose younger brother accidentally deleted her Fiverr account)? Thanks in advance for your help!
  11. Hi @lifatlabib, You can mention the generic service that you offered (as you listed above, since the related gig will show up next to the review), but don't mention the buyer's name or details of their specific project. This information is confidential and should be kept private unless the buyer has given you permission to share it.
  12. That's too bad. Do you think this will be your last order, and you'll just try to see if you can get the payment for this order? I hope the buyer didn't cancel and you can still get paid for the work that you did.
  13. HI @warmtone66 - You'll have to create a help desk ticket by emailing Fiverr CS at support@fiverr.com to reactivate your account. I also had my account accidentally deleted. This caused all orders in queue to be deleted (but the order that I delivered minutes before my account got deleted was okay). It took 2 days for CS to respond to the ticket and 4 days for me to be able to log on and communicate with my buyers again. Several buyers were disgruntled (they thought I abandoned them, especially the order that was just delivered). I was lucky that this buyer didn't leave a negative public review (but she may have left a negative private review). I dropped a Seller Level (due to the mass cancellations of all of my orders in queue) and even though CS restored my seller level a few days later, there were additional quality metrics in the automated system that were damaged from that incident. It took me about 4 months for my seller stats to recover from that incident. So even though it is possible to get your account back, be prepared for the worst. Your buyer may cancel the order (and you might not get paid). The buyer may leave a negative private or public review. Your seller stats may be damaged from this incident and it can be hard to recover. But it can be done! I wish you the best of luck getting your account back!
  14. Hi @desmond_aubery! You might have to utilize transferable skills to gain traction and a reputation here on Fiverr first. Before I started selling on Fiverr, I wanted to leverage my 17 years of experience as a food scientist, but there were only 20 related gigs at the time (and at incredibly low prices that were a fraction of what I was willing to do as a food scientist). So I offered services that were more in demand (e.g., data entry, virtual assisting, and resume writing) and was able to freelance full-time for a year and a half before I became TRS and started to get more orders that were more in line with my technical writing and documentation background.
  15. Hi @besnick_s, You are in a very competitive category, competing against other sellers offering similar services, with over 51,000+ gigs showing up when one searches for "data entry." It's not the pricing you should be worried about. You can probably charge $25 or more if you differentiate your services enough and clearly show buyers the value that you can provide for them. The problem that I see with most data entry specialists is that they look too similar, and there's nothing that makes them stand out from the 51k+ other gigs on Fiverr offering the same services. I also started with a "data entry" gig where I update technical business documents (mostly in Word or Excel) and perform research. This is a niche area where I work mostly with educational institutions, nonprofits, and businesses. I also branched out into "Website Content" where I audit and write website content, "Course Designs" where I build Thinkific courses for clients, and other gigs that are relevant to the clientele that I target. Define the clients that you want to work with. What are their pain points? Why should they work with you? Target your seller profile to those buyers and adjust as you start getting inquiries and orders. In your portfolio, you have 5 images in one portfolio - split that up into 5 different portfolios so that you can showcase each project and highlight the value you provided in each project that you worked on. Add more to your portfolio, because this can really help to make you stand out from the pack. With over 20+ years of experience, this shouldn't be hard for you to do. You also only have one, generic gig. After you define your clients, tailor your gigs to them. What services do they need? Most likely, you can provide several different services and can average 3-5 orders or more per buyer because you are the one-stop shop where they can get the services that they are looking for. This will also help your business grow faster. You have so many skills and specializations that you should have more than one gig. Have a gig on data entry, one on data visualization, one on virtual assisting. Tailor them to the customers that you are targeting (e.g., don't just list the services you provide, use the gig description to tell a story and give compelling reasons why they should work with you). Even though it may seem like 2 months is a long time without orders, this isn't uncommon for new sellers with zero orders and zero reviews. Right now, your profile is your business card, and what will convince buyers to buy from you even when your profile is lacking in reviews and orders. So do spend the time to give your portfolio/profile the professionalism and credibility it needs to stand out so that buyers will want to work with you.
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